Speakers according to Session Tracks Speakers and their session names are subject to change.
Specialty Crops
Dr. Genhua Niu (TAMU): Allium and Cucurbit Seedling Production Using Organic Fertilizers
Dr. Daniel Leskovar (TAMU) & Dr. Kevin Crosby (TAMU): Latest Research Results for Tomato and Pepper Production in Texas
Troy Swift (Swift River Pecans): Working with Nature to Grow Pecans
April Harrington & Katie Lavallee (TCLF): Value Added Product Development for Specialty Crop Farmers
Dr. Ken Mix & Kyle Krebs (Texas State University): How to Read Your Soil Test (Haney Test Too)
Cody Brown & Justin Duncan (NCAT): Specialty Melon Production
Livestock and Soil Health
David Cole (Tarrant County College): Understanding Soils for Growers; Successful Seeding and Transplanting (Home & Urban Track)
Randy Oakley (Oakley Family Apiaries): Beekeeping Taught By Nature
David Will (Think Organic Academy): High-Density Zero Rotation Grazing; Disease Suppressive Soils (Home & Urban Track)
Andie Marsh (Rhizos LLC): Raising Microbes: Practical Composting for Busy Farmers and Gardeners
Christine Martin (Holistic Management International): Profitable Pastures: Direct to Consumer Meats
Shawn Kelly (Crunchy Mama Farms): DIY Chicken Processing
Community and Policy
Tyler Cox (Texas TOPP):Organic Transitions: What it Really Takes
Joshua Coleman (USDA FSA) & Wilma Richler (USDA NRCS): USDA Resources for Small-Scale Texas Farmers and Ranchers
Donna Dorman (Square Mile Community Development), Brady Clark, Amanda Rohlich, Erin Flynn, David Barrow, Edwin Marty: Codes and Carrots: Local Government Support for Agriculture
Judith McGeary (Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance): Changing the Landscape for Farmers at the TX Legislature
Lorig Hawkins (Austin Community College), Ashly Tamayo (Recipe for Success), Michelle Akindiya (Farmshare Austin): Pathways to Agriculture: Training the Next Generation of Producers
Rachel Caldwell Hill (Central Texas Cherokee Township): Lessons from the Three Sisters Garden
Business and Marketing
Joshua Coleman (USDA FSA) & Wilma Richler (USDA NRCS): USDA Resources for Small-Scale Texas Farmers and Ranchers
Greg Rickert (Ranch Properties): Profitability for Small Scale Farmers
Sue Beckwith (Texas Center for Local Food) & Jose Aguirre (UTRGV SARA): Regional Food Business Centers in Texas
Tammy Howard & Robert Maggiani (NCAT): Getting to Know the Farm to School Supply Chain
Hallie Casey (Common Market Texas), Candace Biehle (Smithville ISD), Kyle Massey (Lone Star Growers), Megan Steele (TDA): Farm to School in Texas: Small Producers Wanted
Home and Urban
Greg Joel (Opal's Farm): Bio-Intensive Urban Farming for Small Plots
Laurie Dixon: Landscaping for Beauty, Health, and Saving the World
Austin Davenport: Sterile Techniques for Mushroom Cultivation, Strategies for Success at Farmers Markets (Farmers Market Managers)
Angel Schatz (Central Texas Mycology): Mycelium Builds Community
Farmers Market Managers (Monday Jan. 27 Only)
Susan Barker and Anna Wright Smith (TCLF): Maximizing Food Access at Your Farmers Market: Accepting SNAP, Creating a Welcoming Market, and More!
Tommi Ayala and Eduardo "Lalo" Garcia (Brownsville Wellness Coalition): Nurturing Partnerships, Growing Communities: Lessons from Brownsville Wellness Coalition's Urban Farms, Farmers Market, and The Happy Kitchen/ La Cocina Alegre